Jan 7 – 9, 2016
East-West Center (EWC)
Pacific/Honolulu timezone

Meeting information

Booklet with more information (timetable, locations, touristic information, abstracts): pdf

Meeting location
The meeting takes place on the campus of the University of Hawaii at Manoa.

East-West Center (EWC)
Hawaii Imin International Conference Center
Jefferson Hall
Pacific room
1777 East-West Road
Honolulu, HI 96848

Google maps

We will have a limited number of on-campus parking passes on a first-come first-served basis. Parking on campus will be $18 total for three days. More parking is available in the general parking structure (no. 20). Daily parking is only $5.

Google maps

Username: energy17
Password: 17energy

Campus food options for Thursday and Friday
As the semester has not started yet, the options are a little limited, but the following options will serve us well enough on Thursday and Friday:

Food trucks:

Toko Express at Krauss Hall
Uahi Island Grill at Kennedy Theater

Paradise Palms Cafe:
The Curb
India Cafe
Panda Express

On Saturday we will have catered sandwich boxes (included in the conference fee).

The welcome reception will be held Thursday from 6-8pm in the garden of the EWC.

The banquet will be held at the Honolulu Elks Lodge on Friday from 5:30-10pm. We will organize carpools/transport from campus to the Elks lodge.

Elks lodge
2933 Kalakaua Ave
Honolulu, HI 96815

Google maps