Nov 12 – 15, 2013
Pagoda Hotel & Restaurant
Pacific/Honolulu timezone

Resolving the power spectrum generated during inflation

Nov 13, 2013, 2:20 PM
C'est Si Bon - Makai room (Pagoda Hotel & Restaurant)

C'est Si Bon - Makai room

Pagoda Hotel & Restaurant

oral Cosmology Cosmology I


Dr Raghavan Rangarajan (Physical Research Laboratory, India)


Recently there have been differing viewpoints on how to evaluate the curvature power spectrum generated during inflation. In a series of papers by Parker and collaborators it has been argued that the renormalization scheme adopted for the inflaton field phi(x) to make <phi^2(x)> finite should also be applied to |phi_k|^2. But this then modifies the curvature power spectrum in a non-trivial way. On the other hand, others (Durrer, Marozzi and Rinaldi) have criticized this approach and suggested alternatives, which have been further countered by Parker et al. We discuss these differing viewpoints and indicate inconsistencies in both approaches. We then resolve the issue by showing why the standard expression, without any non-trivial regularization, is still valid. Published in Phys.Rev. D87 (2013) 087302 by Mar Bastero-Gil, Arjun Berera, Namit Mahajan and Raghavan Rangarajan.

Primary authors

Dr Arjun Berera (University of Edinburgh, UK) Dr Mar Bastero-Gil (Universidad de Granada, Spain) Dr Namit Mahajan (Physical Research Laboratory, India) Dr Raghavan Rangarajan (Physical Research Laboratory, India)

Presentation materials