Brianne Hackett
(University of Hawaii at Manoa)
DarkSide is a three phase direct dark matter detection experiment. The first phase (DS-10) was a 10kg prototype located first at Princeton University and then moved to Gran Sasso National Laboratory (LNGS). The second phase (DS-50) is a 50kg detector to have a three year run at LNGS. The results of DS-50 will help prepare us for the eventual multi-ton G2 experiment. DarkSide aims to use novel techniques for background suppression allowing us to make a convincing claim of dark matter detection based upon a few events.
In this talk, I will present a brief overview of the DarkSide experiment and the new techniques that have been implemented. I will also present the efforts at UH Manoa towards the building of calibration devices that have been used in DarkSide-50 and also future calibration devices to be used in the DarkSide experiment.
Primary author
Brianne Hackett
(University of Hawaii at Manoa)