Veronica Bindi
11/12/13, 8:55 AM
Leonardo Senatore
(Stanford U)
11/12/13, 9:25 AM
Rafael Lang
(Purdue University)
11/12/13, 10:40 AM
Bhaskar Dutta
(Texas A&M university)
11/12/13, 11:25 AM
Manoj Kaplinghat
11/12/13, 2:00 PM
Mark Kos
(Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
11/12/13, 4:45 PM
The CoGeNT dark matter detector has been taking data at the Soudan mine since December 2009. The data have been analyzed for a possible WIMP signal using multi-dimensional PDFs in energy, time, and pulse rise-time. The bulk event (fast rise-time pulses) and surface (slow rise-time) event fractions are determined through this analysis. We have also done extensive simulations of backgrounds...
Matthew Szydagis
(UC Davis)
11/12/13, 5:15 PM
The LUX (Large Underground Xenon) experiment is performing a direct-detection search for WIMP dark matter using a two-phase liquid xenon TPC. The target mass is 370 kg (100 kg fiducial), making it the largest such detector in operation and providing excellent self-shielding. Additional background rejection is provided by nuclear recoil discrimination via simultaneous detection of charge and...
11/13/13, 8:55 AM
Dark matter self-interactions have important implications for the distributions of dark matter in the Universe, from dwarf galaxies to galaxy clusters. In this talk, we present benchmark models that illustrate characteristic features of dark matter that is self-interacting through a new light mediator. These models have self-interactions large enough to change dark matter densities in the...
David Yaylali
(University of Hawaii)
11/13/13, 9:20 AM
Dark matter direct detection analyses have typically relied on two types of contact operators that mediate the interaction between dark matter and the target nuclei. Other contact operators, such as {\it pseudoscalar}-type operators, are almost universally neglected in the literature; the reason being that in the non-relativistic approximation, these operators are suppressed by powers of...
Haipeng An
(Perimeter Institute)
11/13/13, 9:45 AM
Light new particles with masses below 10 keV, often considered as a plausible extension of the Standard Model, will be emitted from the solar interior, and can be detected on the Earth with a variety of experimental tools. Here we analyze the new "dark" vector state V, a massive vector boson mixed with the photon via an angle kappa, that in the limit of the small mass m_V has its emission...
Osamu Seto
(Hokkai-Gakuen University)
11/13/13, 9:45 AM
Under the assumption of hierarchical right-handed neutrino masses, masses of right-handed neutrinos must be larger than GeV in the standard thermal leptogenesis scenario. On the other hand, we show the mass can be reduced to around 5 TeV in a neutrinophilic two Higgs doublet model. We also show the required mass degeneracy for resonant leptogenesis scenario becomes rather mild in...
Sang Pyo Kim
(Kunsan National University)
11/13/13, 10:40 AM
The recent observations of excess of high energy positrons by PAMELA and AMS-2 have raised an intriguing question of the origin of antimatter. Particle-antiparticle annihilation mechanism and astrophysical mechanism are most popular scenarios suggested so far. In this talk the astrophysical scenario, in particular QED aspect of compact stars, is critically studied and discussed. The...
Teruaki Suyama
(Research Center for the Early Universe, University of Tokyo)
11/13/13, 10:40 AM
Supermassive black holes(SMBHs) more massive than billion solar mass are observed at redshifts around 6. Their origin is still unknown. Primordial black holes(PBHs) being their origin is one possibility. We propose a new method which can potentially falsify the PBH scenario as the explanation of the SMBHs. Based on the observation that large density perturbations required to create PBHs also...
Ayuki Kamada
(Kavli IPMU)
11/13/13, 11:05 AM
I will discuss the potential of cosmic shear to constraint the light gravitino mass.
The gravitino mass, that is directly related to the supersymmetry breaking scale, is one of most fundamental parameters in the supersymmetric theory.
In the gauge mediation supersymmetric breaking (GMSB) models, the gravitino is generically the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP) with mass in the order of...
Jin Young Kim
(Kunsan National University)
11/13/13, 11:05 AM
We consider the shift of light velocity when the vacuum is non-trivial by electromagnetic radiation emitted from a black body. Within geometric optics formalism we calculate the bending angle of a light ray when there is a gradient in the energy density. Simplifying a neutron star as an isothermal black body, we estimate the order of magnitude for the bending angle and compared it with the...
Francis-Yan Cyr-Racine
(Jet Propulsion Laboratory/Caltech)
11/13/13, 11:30 AM
If all or a fraction of the dark matter (DM) were coupled to a bath of dark radiation (DR) in the early Universe we expect the combined DM-DR system to give rise to acoustic oscillations of the dark matter until it decouples from the dark radiation. Much like the standard baryon acoustic oscillations, these dark acoustic oscillations (DAO) imprint a characteristic scale, the sound horizon of...
Cristina Consolandi
(University of Hawaii Physics and Astronomy department)
11/13/13, 11:30 AM
The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS-02) is a high energy particle detector designed to study origin and nature of cosmic rays up to a few TV from space. It was installed on the International Space Station (ISS) on May 19, 2011.
During the first two years of operation AMS-02
performed precise measurements of the proton flux. In the low rigidity range, from 1 GV to 20 GV, the proton flux was...
Lance Labun
(National Taiwan University)
11/13/13, 11:55 AM
Binary neutron star mergers are thought to be the engines of some short gamma ray bursts. We show that a merger creates conditions of sufficiently high density and temperature that a phase transition from nuclear to quark degrees of freedom may occur. For a signal of the transition, we study photons produced by the decay of collective modes of the quark plasma. These photons have a...
Ritoban Basu Thakur
(Fermilab/ UIUC)
11/13/13, 2:20 PM
The CDMS-low-ionization-threshold-experiment was designed to measure low-energy recoils from Weakly Interacting Massive Particles of mass < 10 GeV. This experiment uses voltage-assisted Luke-Neganov amplification of the ionization-energy deposited by particle interactions, which allows us to probe for light WIMP scatters. In this talk I will describe the physics behind CDMSlite and present...
Raghavan Rangarajan
(Physical Research Laboratory, India)
11/13/13, 2:20 PM
Recently there have been differing viewpoints on how to evaluate the
curvature power spectrum generated during inflation. In a series of
papers by Parker and collaborators it has been argued that the renormalization scheme adopted for the inflaton field phi(x) to make <phi^2(x)> finite should also be applied to |phi_k|^2. But this then modifies the curvature power spectrum in a non-trivial...
Junko Ohashi
(Tokyo University of Science)
11/13/13, 2:45 PM
We study observational signatures of two classes of anisotropic
inflationary models in which an inflaton field couples to
(i) a vector kinetic term and
(ii) a two-form kinetic term .
We compute the corrections from the anisotropic sources to the
power spectrum of gravitational waves as well as the two-point
Ioannis Giomataris
11/13/13, 2:45 PM
The new detector based on a spherical geometry will be presented. The detector consists of a large spherical gas volume with a central electrode forming a radial electric field. A small spherical sensor located at the center is acting as a proportional amplification structure. Sub-keV energy threshold with good energy resolution is achieved and calibration source developed. The very low...
Russell Neilson
(University of Chicago)
11/13/13, 3:10 PM
Bubble chambers offer a number of compelling properties relevant for the direct detection of WIMP dark matter. Of particular note, it is possible, by the appropriate selection of operating conditions, to make a bubble chamber sensitive to the nuclear recoils produced by dark matter interactions, but insensitive to the typically-dominant background of electron recoils. I will discuss a suite of...
Tomohiro Fujita
(Kavli IPMU/Tokyo Univ.)
11/13/13, 3:10 PM
In 2010, it was first reported that weak and large scale magnetic fields (MFs) were observed in void regions. These void MFs may share their origin with galactic/galaxy cluster MFs in primordial MFs. Thus a theoretical research on the generation of primordial MFs is now strongly motivated.
I seek the possibility that primordial MFs is produced during inflation and find
not only several...
Sean Downes
(Leung Center for Cosmology and Particle Astrophysics)
11/13/13, 3:35 PM
This year the Planck Collaboration has ruled out many models of inflation that would have informed us of new physics. The models which survived the data release are fairly close to vanilla: single-field inflation with a nearly Gaussian, slightly redshifted spectrum. Well-studied scenarios in the string inflation context include inflection point inflation and the Starobinsky-like models.
Urjit Yajnik
(IIT Bombay)
11/14/13, 8:30 AM
We study cosmology in a model with spontaneous parity breaking in the context
of metastable supersymmetry breaking vacuum. We point out that such a mechanism leads to parity violation only locally, leading to the formation of a network of domain walls. We show that conflict with observed cosmology can be avoided through Planck scale suppressed terms,
provided the parity breaking scale is...
William Hanlon
(University of Utah, Department of Physics and Astronomy, High Energy Astrophysics Institute)
11/14/13, 8:30 AM
Ultra high energy cosmic ray (UHECR) detection has been dominated mainly by two methods: air fluorescence detection and charged particle detectors on the Earth's surface. Due to the steeply falling flux of UHECRs, these detectors must be able to observe very large apertures (thousands to tens of thousands of square kilometers) in order to collect enough statistics over several years to make...
Masahiro Kawasaki
(Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, University of Tokyo)
11/14/13, 8:55 AM
Axion models have two serious cosmological problems, domain wall and isocurvature perturbation problems.These problems may be solved if the field value of the Peccei-Quinn (PQ) scalar is large during inflation. However, the fluctuations of the PQ field grow after inflation through the parametric resonance and stable axionic strings may be produced, which results in the domain wall problem. We...
Solomey Nickolas
(Wichita State University)
11/14/13, 8:55 AM
A series of ongoing studies of the suitability of the Colorado-Kansas-Oklahoma high plains has been going on since 2010 as a possible location of the next large cosmic ray experiment. These studies have included the necessary features of a flat high altitude plateau, but the next large cosmic ray experiment will also need a vastly greater area than current ongoing experiments, with a final aim...
Tomohiro Takesako
(ICRR, University of Tokyo)
11/14/13, 9:20 AM
We evaluate the effective mass of a scalar field coupled to thermal plasma through Planck-suppressed interactions.
We find it useful to rescale the coupled fields so that all the -dependences are absorbed into the yukawa and gauge couplings,
which allows us to read off the leading order contributions to the effective mass from the 2-loop free energy...
Takeshi Okuda
(Ritsumeikan University)
11/14/13, 9:20 AM
The Telescope Array (TA) observatory, located in midwest Utah, USA, is
designed to detect ultra high energy cosmic rays whose energy is more than
one EeV. TA mainly consists of two types of detector. The first type is the
atmospheric Fluorescence Detector (FD). TA's three FDs have been in
operation since Fall 2007. The other type of detector is a ground-covering
Surface Detector (SD),...
Tomohiro Nakama
(Research Center for the Early Universe, the University of Tokyo)
11/14/13, 9:45 AM
If the amplitude of the density perturbation is sufficiently large in some region in the early
universe dominated by radiation, this region starts to contract against pressure gradients after
the horizon reently and collapses to form a black hole (Primordial Black Hole, PBH). In order
to analyze formation process of these PBHs, in our previous paper we developed an asymptotic
Harm Schoorlemmer
(University of Hawaii at Manoa)
11/14/13, 9:45 AM
The Pierre Auger Observatory in Malargüe Argentina, is the largest cosmic ray observatory in the world and is dedicated to the observation of Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays. The current exposure reaches nearly 40,000 km^2 sr. The analysis of this unprecedented data set have led to number of major breakthroughs. In this contribution I will discuss the performance of the observatory, new...
Nicholas Kaiser
(Institute for Astronomy, U. Hawaii)
11/14/13, 10:40 AM
Wojtak, Hansen and Hjorth (Nature, 2011) have measured the long-predicted
gravitational redshifts in galaxy clusters using Sloan Digital Sky
Survey data. The effect is very small, corresponding to a velocity shift
of only ~10 km/s in clusters with internal random motions ~600 km/s) but
is in good agreement with general relativity predictions and possibly in
conflict with some alternative...
Yen-Hsun Lin
(Institute of Physics, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan)
11/14/13, 10:40 AM
We argue that the detection of neutrino signature from the Earth core is an ideal approach for probing the coupling of heavy dark matter ( GeV) to nucleons. We first note that direct searches are not effective for dark matter (DM) in such a mass range. Furthermore the energies of neutrinos arising from DM annihilations inside the Sun cannot exceed a few TeV at the Sun surface...
Rennan Barkana
(Tel Aviv University)
11/14/13, 11:05 AM
A major frontier area in cosmology is cosmic reionization, the key
epoch in which the intergalactic hydrogen throughout the universe was
reionized after having recombined in the early universe. Despite
uncertainties about the sources of radiation at early times, it is
widely assumed that prior to reionization the cosmic gas must have
been pre-heated to well over the temperature of the...
Philip von Doetinchem
(University of Hawaii)
11/14/13, 11:05 AM
The GAPS experiment is foreseen to carry out a dark matter search by hunting for low energy cosmic ray antideuterons with a novel detection approach. The theoretically predicted antideuteron flux resulting from secondary interactions of primary cosmic rays, e.g. protons, with the interstellar medium is very low. So far not a single cosmic antideuteron has been detected by any experiment, but...
Christopher Gauthier
(LaCosPa, National Taiwan University)
11/14/13, 11:30 AM
Four years ago the Planck satellite was launched with the objective of furthering our understanding of the history and structure of the universe by making detailed measurements of the Cosmic Microwave Background. In March, the data and preliminary cosmological results from Planck were finally made public. The data collected by Planck is the most precise and comprehensive yet obtained, the full...
Claudio Corti
(University of Hawaii at Manoa)
11/14/13, 11:30 AM
The electron and positron spectra in the primary cosmic rays have been measured during the years with increasing precision by many experiments (Fermi, PAMELA, AMS-01, ATIC, HEAT among the others), up to the latest result of AMS-02.
AMS-02 is a large-acceptance spectrometer installed on the International Space Station on May 2011. After two years of data taking, more than 30 billion of events...
Joseph Bramante
(University of Notre Dame)
11/14/13, 11:55 AM
In a universe much larger than our current Hubble volume, locally unobservable long wavelength modes can induce a scale-dependence in the power spectrum of typical subvolumes, so that the observed spectral index varies at a cosmologically significant level. This talk will explain how super-Hubble dynamics can impact sub-Hubble measurements and survey the features of inflation models that would...
Jun'ichi Yokoyama
(RESCEU, The University of Tokyo)
11/14/13, 2:10 PM
In inflation models whose reheating occurs through gravitational particle production, only conformally noninvariant fields are created. In particular, fermions are created if and only if they have nonvanishing mass terms. Since mass terms are geerically proportional to the expectation value of the relevant Higgs field, its spatialy fluctuation gives rise to spatially fluctuating particle...
Erin Edkins
(University of Hawaii at Manoa)
11/14/13, 2:10 PM
There is now strong astrophysical evidence that the majority of the mass in the universe is comprised of an as yet unidentified form of non-baryonic matter. This matter does not interact via the electromagnetic force nor the strong force and is non-relativistic. Predicted by supersymmetric models and possessing all of the required properties, WIMPS (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles) form...
Brianne Hackett
(University of Hawaii at Manoa)
11/14/13, 2:35 PM
DarkSide is a three phase direct dark matter detection experiment. The first phase (DS-10) was a 10kg prototype located first at Princeton University and then moved to Gran Sasso National Laboratory (LNGS). The second phase (DS-50) is a 50kg detector to have a three year run at LNGS. The results of DS-50 will help prepare us for the eventual multi-ton G2 experiment. DarkSide aims to use novel...
Takahiro Tanaka
(Yukawa Insititute for Theoretical Physics)
11/14/13, 2:35 PM
We discuss graviton oscillations based on the ghost free bi-gravity theory. We point out that this theory possesses a natural cosmological background solution which is very close to the case of general relativity. Furthermore, interesting parameter range of the graviton mass, which can be explored by the observations of gravitational waves, is not at all excluded by the constraint from the...
Naoya Kitajima
(University of Tokyo)
11/14/13, 3:00 PM
We investigate the gravitational wave background induced by the first order scalar perturbations in the curvaton models. We consider the quadratic and axion-like curvaton potential which can generate the blue-tilted power spectrum of curvature perturbations on small scales and derive the maximal amount of gravitational wave background today. We find the power spectrum of the induced...
Augusto Mario Goretti
(Princeton University)
11/14/13, 3:00 PM
There is a wide range of astronomical evidence that the visible stars and gas in all galaxies, including our own, are immersed in a much larger cloud of non-luminous matter, typically an order of magnitude greater in total mass. The existence of this “dark matter” is consistent with evidence from large-scale galaxy surveys and microwave background measurements, indicating that the majority of...
Jiro Matsumoto
(Tohoku University)
11/14/13, 3:25 PM
The quasistatic solutions of the matter density perturbation in various dark energy models and modified gravity models have been investigated in numerous papers. However, the oscillating solutions in those models have not been investigated enough so far. In this talk, the oscillating solutions are also examined by using appropriate approximations. And the behaviors of the matter density...
Steven Ross
(University of Hawaii)
11/14/13, 3:25 PM
Direction-sensitive WIMP dark matter detection promises to help overcome the challenges faced by direct dark matter detection experiments. In particular, directional detectors should be able to clearly differentiate a dark matter signal from background sources. We are developing a Directional Dark Matter Detector (D3) based on a gas Time Projection Chamber (TPC) using Gas Electron Multipliers...
Ariel Zhitnitsky
(University of British Columbia)
11/14/13, 4:20 PM
I review a testable dark matter model outside of the standard WIMP paradigm in which the observed ratio Omega_{DM}~ 5 Omega_{B} for visible and dark matter
densities finds its natural explanation as a result of their common QCD origin.
Special emphasis is placed on the observational consequences of this model and on the detection prospects for present or planned experiments. In...
Jelena Maricic
(University of Hawaii, High Energy Physics Group)
11/14/13, 4:20 PM
Neutrino oscillation with baseline shorter than 10 m is a 'terra incognita', although there have been various hints that a 4th, sterile neutrino may be lurking in this baseline range.
We plan to search for the signature of the sterile neutrino at the very short baseline by deploying a massive 76 kCi electron antineutrino source (cerium-144 and praseodymium-144) in the veto region of...
Shinta Kasuya
(Kanagawa University)
11/14/13, 4:45 PM
We consider the Q-ball decay and investigate the scenario that the amount of the
baryons and the gravitino dark matter is at the same time naturally explained by
the decay of the Q balls in the gauge-mediated SUSY breaking. We show the decay
rates into baryons, NLSPs, and gravitinos, and estimate their branching ratios
based on the consideration of Pauli blocking. Although the NLSPs...
Bei-Zhen Hu
(On behalf of the Daya Bay collaboration ( Institute of Physics, National Chiao Tung University))
11/14/13, 4:45 PM
The Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment aims at a precision measurement of the neutrino mixing angle theta_13 by observing the disappearance of electron antineutrinos from the Daya Bay nuclear reactor complex. The first Daya Bay result on theta_13 angle was announced in March 2012 and updated in June the same year. Recently, Daya Bay experiment announced a more precise result on theta_13. The...
Shao-Feng Ge
(KEK, Japan)
11/14/13, 5:10 PM
A general theoretical framework, in which the contributions of the neutrino mass hierarchy, octant of the atmospheric angle and the lepton number conserving CP phase are disentangled analytically, is established to study the potential of using atmospheric neutrino oscillations, detectable by huge underground detectors, to determine the three unknowns. To benchmark the detectability we take the...
Patrick Stengel
(University of Hawaii)
11/14/13, 5:10 PM
We consider a class of leptogenesis models in which the lepton asymmetry arises from dark matter annihilation processes which violate CP and lepton number. Importantly, a necessary one-loop contribution to the annihilation matrix element arises from absorptive final state interactions. We elucidate the relationship between this one-loop contribution and the CP-violating phase. As we show, the...
Keita Fukushima
(University of Hawaii at Manoa)
11/14/13, 5:35 PM
g-2 correction has been accurately measured in the E821 experiment at Brookhaven National Lab (BNL). Yet, there remains a 3 sigma difference between experiment and theory.
One way that this discrepancy can be interpreted is by new particles running in the loop. The smallness of this discrepancy provides a tight constraint on its coupling. This bound is then applied to constrain the...
Francis-Yan Cyr-Racine
(Jet Propulsion Laboratory/Caltech)
11/14/13, 5:35 PM
In the standard model neutrinos are assumed to have streamed across the Universe since they last scattered at the weak decoupling epoch when the temperature of the standard-model plasma was ~MeV. The shear stress of free-streaming neutrinos imprints itself gravitationally on the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) and makes the CMB a sensitive probe of neutrino scattering. Yet, the presence of...
Hisakazu Minakata
11/15/13, 8:30 AM
Kam-Biu Luk
11/15/13, 9:15 AM
Carsten Rott
(Sungkyunkwan University)
11/15/13, 10:30 AM
(ICRR, Univ. Tokyo)
11/15/13, 11:15 AM
Kumiko Kotera
11/15/13, 2:35 PM
Naoko Kurahashi Neilson
11/15/13, 3:20 PM
Bin Wang
(Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
Dark Matter
The interaction between Dark Matter and Dark Energy has been proposed as a mechanism to alleviate the coincidence problem. We analyze the effect of the interaction on the evolution of the gravitational field and propose two new observables based on its effect on the matter peculiar velocity field. We find that for different model parameters the matter peculiar velocity could be factor 2 times...
Albert Stebbins
Cosmic Rays
The past few months has brought the announcement of the discovery of 4 more Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs) bringing the total number of these enigmatic events to 6. These bursts of GHz radio waves last only a few milliseconds, are non-repeating, and several pieces evidence point to them originating at cosmological distances. If so ~10^40 ergs of GHz radio waves are emitted in a few msec from a...