Mar 27 – 29, 2019
UCLA Faculty Center
US/Pacific timezone

Production and Acceleration of Antinuclei in Supernova Shockwaves

Mar 28, 2019, 2:20 PM
Hacienda Room (UCLA Faculty Center)

Hacienda Room

UCLA Faculty Center

UCLA Faculty Center 480 Charles Young Dr. East Los Angeles, CA USA


Alberto Oliva (CIEMAT)


We compute the energy spectra of antideuterons and antihelium in cosmic rays in a scenario where hadronic interactions inside supernova remnants can produce a diffusively shock-accelerated “source component” of secondary antinuclei along with their standard secondary component expected from cosmic ray collisions in the interstellar gas.

Primary authors

Alberto Oliva (CIEMAT) Nicola Tomassetti (INFN and University of Perugia)

Presentation materials