Mar 27 – 29, 2019
UCLA Faculty Center
US/Pacific timezone

Hadronic Cosmic Rays: Towards the Precision Era

Mar 28, 2019, 12:05 PM
Hacienda Room (UCLA Faculty Center)

Hacienda Room

UCLA Faculty Center

UCLA Faculty Center 480 Charles Young Dr. East Los Angeles, CA USA


Martin Winkler (Stockholm University)


Cosmic ray experiments are reaching the sensitivity where they can realistically probe the annihilation of thermal WIMPs. Due to the tiny experimental errors, uncertainties in the astrophysical backgrounds have become the most
limiting factor for dark matter detection. I will use the combination of antiproton, boron to carbon and positron data in order to systematically reduce uncertainties related to cosmic ray propagation. Furthermore, I will employ a wide collection of accelerator data to improve the astrophysical source term for antiprotons, and point out implications for antideuteron formation. I will discuss results from a spectral search for dark matter annihilation in the AMS-02 antiproton data and comment on prospects for dark matter detection with antinuclei.

Primary author

Martin Winkler (Stockholm University)

Presentation materials