Chair: Jenni Adams (University of Canterbury)
Xiao-Gang He
11/13/13, 8:30 AM
Light sterile neutrinos of mass about an eV with mixing U_{ls} of a few percent to active neutrinos may solve some anomalies shown in experimental data related to neutrino oscillation. How to have light sterile neutrinos is one of the theoretical problems which have attracted a lot of attentions. In this article we show that such an eV scale light sterile neutrino candidate can be obtained in...
Zhi-Zhong Xing
11/13/13, 8:55 AM
Abstract: Both up- and down-type quarks have the normal mass hierarchies, and this fact coincides with the observed structure of quark flavor mixing. While the charged lepton mass spectrum have a similar feature, it remains unclear whether the neutrino mass ordering is normal or not. In this talk we discuss various phenomenological implications of the abnormal neutrino mass ordering, and...
CQ Geng
11/13/13, 9:20 AM
One natural way to understand the excess of the measured $H\to\gamma\gamma$ rate over the standard model (SM) expectation at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is to have charged scalar bosons, existing in most of the SM extensions. Motivated by this LHC result, we explore if it also sheds light on solving the small neutrino mass generation problem. We concentrate on a class of models with high...
Osamu Seto
(Hokkai-Gakuen University)
11/13/13, 9:45 AM
Under the assumption of hierarchical right-handed neutrino masses, masses of right-handed neutrinos must be larger than $10^8$ GeV in the standard thermal leptogenesis scenario. On the other hand, we show the mass can be reduced to around 5 TeV in a neutrinophilic two Higgs doublet model. We also show the required mass degeneracy for resonant leptogenesis scenario becomes rather mild in...