Chair: Mark Vagins (Kavli IPMU, University of Tokyo)
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Jelena Maricic
(University of Hawaii, High Energy Physics Group)
11/14/13, 4:20 PM
Neutrino oscillation with baseline shorter than 10 m is a 'terra incognita', although there have been various hints that a 4th, sterile neutrino may be lurking in this baseline range.
We plan to search for the signature of the sterile neutrino at the very short baseline by deploying a massive 76 kCi electron antineutrino source (cerium-144 and praseodymium-144) in the veto region of...
Bei-Zhen Hu
(On behalf of the Daya Bay collaboration ( Institute of Physics, National Chiao Tung University))
11/14/13, 4:45 PM
The Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment aims at a precision measurement of the neutrino mixing angle theta_13 by observing the disappearance of electron antineutrinos from the Daya Bay nuclear reactor complex. The first Daya Bay result on theta_13 angle was announced in March 2012 and updated in June the same year. Recently, Daya Bay experiment announced a more precise result on theta_13. The...
Shao-Feng Ge
(KEK, Japan)
11/14/13, 5:10 PM
A general theoretical framework, in which the contributions of the neutrino mass hierarchy, octant of the atmospheric angle and the lepton number conserving CP phase are disentangled analytically, is established to study the potential of using atmospheric neutrino oscillations, detectable by huge underground detectors, to determine the three unknowns. To benchmark the detectability we take the...
Francis-Yan Cyr-Racine
(Jet Propulsion Laboratory/Caltech)
11/14/13, 5:35 PM
In the standard model neutrinos are assumed to have streamed across the Universe since they last scattered at the weak decoupling epoch when the temperature of the standard-model plasma was ~MeV. The shear stress of free-streaming neutrinos imprints itself gravitationally on the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) and makes the CMB a sensitive probe of neutrino scattering. Yet, the presence of...