Nov 12 – 15, 2013
Pagoda Hotel & Restaurant
Pacific/Honolulu timezone

Recent results from Telescope Array

Nov 14, 2013, 9:20 AM
C'est Si Bon - Mauka (Pagoda Hotel & Restaurant)

C'est Si Bon - Mauka

Pagoda Hotel & Restaurant

1525 Rycroft St. Honolulu, HI 96814
oral Cosmic Rays Cosmic Ray II


Takeshi Okuda (Ritsumeikan University)


The Telescope Array (TA) observatory, located in midwest Utah, USA, is designed to detect ultra high energy cosmic rays whose energy is more than one EeV. TA mainly consists of two types of detector. The first type is the atmospheric Fluorescence Detector (FD). TA's three FDs have been in operation since Fall 2007. The other type of detector is a ground-covering Surface Detector (SD), which has been operating at TA since Spring 2008. In addition, the TA-RADAR (TARA) and TA-EUSO associated experiments are colocated with TA, and the TA Low Energy (TALE) extension recently started partial operation. I will report some recent general results from TA, and describe our future plans.

Primary author

Takeshi Okuda (Ritsumeikan University)

Presentation materials