A Hybrid Pixel X-ray Camera System for LCLS

by Kurtis Nishimura (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)

WAT 417A (Watanabe Hall)

WAT 417A

Watanabe Hall

The ePix x-ray camera is a new hybrid pixel detector designed and built at SLAC for experiments at the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS). The first version of the camera is built around an ASIC with small (50 µm) pixel size and sub-100 electron noise performance. The modular nature of the system allows the camera head to be swapped for other ASIC and sensor variants, such as a 100 µm pixel version with high dynamic range and automatic gain switching. I will describe the design and capabilities of the system, results from x-ray measurement campaigns to characterize its performance, and some of the challenges that must be addressed in extending the technology to high repetition rate camera designs.