Jun 5 – 6, 2014
UCLA Faculty Center
US/Pacific timezone

Dark matter searches with cosmic antihelium

Jun 5, 2014, 4:30 PM
Hacienda Room (UCLA Faculty Center)

Hacienda Room

UCLA Faculty Center

UCLA Faculty Center, 480 Charles Young Dr. East


Nicolao Fornengo (University of Torino and INFN)


Galactic dark matter annihilations (or decay) can produce cosmic-ray anti-nuclei via the nuclear coalescence of the anti-protons and anti-neutrons originated directly from the annihilation process. Since anti-deuterons have been shown to offer a distinctive dark matter signal, with potentially good prospects for detection in large portions of the dark matter particle parameter space, we explore here the production of heavier anti-nuclei, specifically anti-helium as an additional channel of exploration.

Primary author

Nicolao Fornengo (University of Torino and INFN)

Presentation materials