Energy Saving in Watanabe Hall

by Prof. John Learned (University of Hawaii)

Rm 112 (UHM - Watanabe Hall)

Rm 112

UHM - Watanabe Hall

2505 Correa Road Honolulu, HI 96822

We will have a group discussion of energy saving in Watanabe Hall which will hopefully lead to an energy plan we can put forward to the administration. While the air conditioning is the 500 pound gorilla of energy consumption, there are many many things we can possibly do to save on the energy we consume, and even improve the livability of Watanabe Hall. This is not just changing light bulbs, but looking into new lighting opportunities (say light pipes bringing natural light into the 4th floor, or windows in the hallway doors). We can talk about more radical actions such as solar cells on the roof, or a roof garden. We can talk about rearranging the building, say by enclosing the lanai area around the first floor classrooms and perhaps the tunnel and elevator rare which waste tremendous amounts of A/C (as well as letting so many mosquitoes in). I want to find people to present various ideas. I am in touch with some experts on A/C. If you want to research a particular idea and present it, please get in touch. This needs to be a group conversation, but some preparation will make it more effective. Let me know your interests and ideas,

J.G. Learned

* Informal gathering and light refreshment at 3:15 pm.