BEAST Design & Mechanics meeting

Tom Browder's office

Tom Browder's office

Igal Jaegle (University of Hawaii)
    • 1:00 PM 1:20 PM
      Simulation status 20m
      Speaker: Dr Igal Jaegle (University of Hawaii)
      1/ If aerogel endcap PID not present at T2 phase, there will be no space problem in the forward dock space.

      According to Nakayama-San, the endcap PID should be present.

      2/ arguments to rule out He:CO2:70:30 at 8 atm ?
      - tricky
      - larger endcap
      - much heavier TPC

    • 1:20 PM 1:40 PM
      AOB 20m
      This is Steven elog entry.

      Logbook: DCube  Message ID: 61    Entry time: Mon May 20 15:50:18 2013
      Author: Steven
      Type: Simulation 
      Subject: Proposed BEAST TPC design 

      Edited on Mon May 20 16:03:44 2013 by Steven

      Edited on Mon May 20 16:01:53 2013 by Steven

       I have attached a COMSOL simulation of my first attempt at developing a design for the BEAST TPC. I have also attached a compressed folder of the .stl files for each individual part, and a text file explaining the material to be used for each part type.


      Edit: I have also attached some .png pictures showing the design from different viewpoints.

      Attachment 1: BEAST_TPC_5-20.mph  20.161 MB
      Attachment 2:  411 kB
      Attachment 3: 5-20_materials_list.txt  344 Bytes
      Materials list for BEAST_TPC_5-20
      Gas volume - Air (to be replaced with appropriate gas later)
      Double GEMS - FR4 (actual GEMs are G-10)
      Rings Copy - Copper
      Top plate final - Copper
      circuit board diff - FR4
      copper plane - Copper
      GEM spacer - Delrin
      Four support rod array - Delrin
      four screw array - Delrin
      ring spacer array - Delrin
      Attachment 4: 5-20_axonometric.PNG  365 kB
      Attachment 5: 5-20_xy.PNG  76 kB
      Attachment 6: 5-20_yz.PNG  48 kB
      Attachment 7: 5-20_zx.PNG  64 kB