<i> The supersymmetric origin of matter</i>

by Dr Csaba Balazs (ANL/ U. CHicago / Fermilab)

WAT 417 (University of Hawai'i, Manoa)

WAT 417

University of Hawai'i, Manoa

2505 Correa Road

Most of the matter in the Universe consists of non-luminous (dark) matter and baryons. The amount of these components are typically predicted independently from each other. In this talk, I show how to calculate both of these components simultaneously. I reveal that the minimal supersymmetric extension of the standard particle model provides a common origin for these main components of matter. I also show that this scenario is not only feasible but also testable at present and near future colliders, low energy and dark matter direct detection experiments in a complementary way.

Organizer: J.G. Learned