October 29, 2006 to November 3, 2006
Sheraton Waikiki Hotel, Honolulu, Hawaii (Oahu)
Pacific/Honolulu timezone

Study on the Synchrotron Radiation Detector in Space

Nov 1, 2006, 7:00 PM
1h 30m
Foyer (Sheraton Waikiki Hotel, Honolulu, Hawaii (Oahu))


Sheraton Waikiki Hotel, Honolulu, Hawaii (Oahu)

Poster Particle Astrophysics Poster Session


Prof. Guinyun KIM (Kyungpook National University)

Primary authors

Prof. Guinyun KIM (Kyungpook National University) Dr Manwoo Lee (Kyungpook National University)


Dr Commichau Volker (ETH-Zűrich) Prof. Dongchul Son (Kyungpook National University) Prof. Gert Viertel (ETH-Zűrich) Dr Hanspeter von Gunten (ETH-Zűrich) Prof. Jongman Yang (Ewha Womans University) Ms Kyungsook Kim (Ewha Womans University) Dr Ulf Roeser (ETH-Zűrich)

Presentation materials