HEP Journal Club Seminar

New Physics from New Paradigms

by Gilly Elor (University of Texas, Austin)

Room 417A (Watanabe Hall)

Room 417A

Watanabe Hall


I will present an overview of my short and long term research plans. I will begin by presenting more background behind my colloquium topic: mesogenesis. The goal of my 4-year mesogenesis research plan is to enable the discovery (or complete exclusion) of all variations of this mechanism. I will discuss the different research directions that must be addressed to achieve this goal: fully exploring the model space of mesogenesis, dark sector model building, and theory work directly solicited by experimental collaborations searching for mesogenesis. Next, I will give an overview of a different prong of my research program which centers around detectable yet complex dark sectors. Finally, I will discuss a new research direction that I am developing which deals with the interplay of quantum information and field theory.