HEP Journal Club Seminar

Effective Field Theory Approach to Physics Beyond the Standard Model

by Dr Xiaochuan Lu (University of California, San Diego)

Room 417A (Watanabe Hall)

Room 417A

Watanabe Hall


Effective Field Theories (EFTs) have wide reaching applications in particle physics of and beyond the Standard Model (BSM). They also serve as the foundation for our modern understanding of renormalization in Quantum Field Theories. In this talk, I will discuss a few crucial aspects of EFTs, including how to define EFTs, how to apply EFTs to BSM physics, and how to handle field redefinitions in EFTs. Modern technologies involved are the Hilbert series method, functional matching with covariant derivative expansion, and the geometric formulation of EFTs. I will explain the key ideas underlying each of these technologies, and how they facilitate new perspectives on particle physics phenomenology.