With a Tribute to Professor John Learned
Advances in neutrino physics in the last decades have brought breakthroughs in Beyond Standard Model Physics with the discovery of neutrino oscillations and mass; detection of supernovae, extragalactic and galactic neutrinos that shone light on the inner workings of our Universe; and applications of neutrinos for preserving World Peace. Many of these advances carry signature contributions from Professor John Learned This workshop will bring experts from different areas of neutrino physics to discuss the next steps in neutrino physics and detector technology.
Invited speakers:
Art McDonald Francis Halzen
Robert Svoboda Mark Vagins
Giorgio Gratta Richard Bionta
Hye-Sook Park Albrecht Karle
Hiroko Watanabe Jon Coleman
Viacheslav Li Jeff Wilkes
Paschal Coyle Leonidas Resvanis
Peter Gorham