Astroparticle Physics at the Gran Sasso Underground Laboratory: Borexino and geo-neutrinos

by Dr Lino Miramonti (University of Milan and INFN)

WAT 417 (University of Hawai'i, Manoa)

WAT 417

University of Hawai'i, Manoa

2505 Correa Road
Underground laboratories are complementary to those where research in fundamental physics is made by using accelerators. I will present the most relevant deep underground laboratories in Europe in the frame of the new European project ILIAS that aims at supporting astroparticle physics large infrastructures. I will focus my attention on the largest underground laboratory namely the Gran Sasso National Laboratory (LNGS) and in particular the Borexino detector whose main goal is the study in real time of the low energy component of neutrinos coming from the Sun. Furthermore I will discuss the Borexino capabilities for the geo-neutrinos detection.

Organizer: J.G. Learned