September 28, 2023
US/Hawaii timezone

Telling Your Stories

Sep 28, 2023, 9:50 AM



Dorian Janney (NASA/GSFC)


NASA has a strong Earth science program, which sometimes surprises people. We would like to invite “citizen scientists” of all ages to “tell their stories” as they interact with NASA data and use it to better understand their local environment. In this free, easy to access effort, participants use smart phones to take a quick observation of a tree or clouds, and then send their observation to a NASA scientist. The scientist uses their location data to provide them with the satellite data showing how much seasonal precipitation fell where this observation was taken and asks some leading questions they can answer to tell “their story”. These stories are shared on a virtual map to enable anyone to take a look at the stories from around the world and better understand how differencing amounts of precipitation impact their lives.

About the speaker:

Dorian has a passion for sharing the wonders of NASA's science and exploration with others across all age levels! For over three decades, she taught public school in both special and general education settings across all grade levels. She was an Einstein Fellow Finalist and achieved National Board Certification in Science Education, served on numerous education working groups, and wrote science curriculum for the country. She now serves as NASA’s “Global Precipitation Measurement” (GPM) mission’s Education and Outreach Coordinator, and she develops resources to help share the science, technology, and real-world applications of GPM with others. She is a Mentor GLOBE trainer, a member of the GLOBE Education Working Group, and supports the GLOBE field campaigns. Her most recent project is leading an effort to engage Lifelong Learners with The GLOBE Campaign’s Citizen Science efforts.

Presentation materials