Geoneutrino mini-workshop

Watanabe Hall

Watanabe Hall

2505 Correa Road Honolulu, HI 96822
John Learned (University of Hawaii), Viacheslav Li (LLNL)

Advances in anti-neutrino detector technology and applications for geoneutrinos

    • 1
      Welcome (John Learned, Physics, University of Hawaii Mānoa)
      Speaker: John Learned (University of Hawaii)
    • 2
      Scalability of gadolinium-doped-water Cherenkov detectors for nuclear nonproliferation
      Speaker: Viacheslav Li (LLNL)
    • 3
      Study of Ocean Bottom Detector for observation of geo-neutrino from the mantle
      Speaker: Prof. Hiroko Watanabe (RCNS, Tohoku University)
    • 4
      Synthesis and processing of lithium-loaded plastic scintillators on the kilogram scale
      Speaker: Viacheslav Li (LLNL)
    • 5
    • 12:30 PM
    • 6
      Understanding the continental lithosphere for interpreting the measured geoneutrino flux
      Speaker: Prof. William McDonough (University of Maryland)
    • 7
      Earth’s composition and power defined using geoneutrinos
      Speaker: Prof. William McDonough (University of Maryland)
    • 8
      Developments in Ocean bottom antineutrino detection
      Speakers: Prof. Hiroko Watanabe (RCNS, Tohoku University), John Learned (University of Hawaii)
    • 9
      Future technologies for antineutrino detection