Prof. Kentaro Miuchi (Kobe University) 'NEWAGE: Direction-sensitive Direct Dark Matter Search"
112 (Watanabe Hall)
Watanabe Hall
2505 Correa Road
Honolulu, HI 96822
Revealing the nature of the dark matter is one of the most important topic of these days' astrophysics and particle physics. Direct detection is thought to show us the direct evidence of the dark matter halo surrounding the Milky Way Galaxy. Among many direct dark matter search program, direction-sensitive dark matter searches are said to detect a very convincing evidence of the dark matter. NEWAGE is the first experiment which adopted micro patterned gas detector (MPGD) for the directional dark matter search and has performed underground measurements since 2007. The talk starts with a introduction to the dark matter followed by the NEWAGE detector description and underground results, then concludes with recent R&D works.